Free Download Zombies, Run! v.1.2 apk android

Zombies, Run! v.1.2 apk android

Free Download Zombies, Run! v.1.2 apk android -  Zombies, Run! is an ultra-immersive running game and audio adventure You tie your shoes, put on your headphones, take your first steps outside. You’ve barely covered 100 yards when you hear them. They must be close. You can hear every guttural breath, every rattling groan - they’re everywhere. Zombies. There’s only one thing you can do: Run! Zombies, Run! is an ultra-immersive running game and audio adventure, co-created with award-winning novelist Naomi Alderman. We deliver the story straight to your headphones through orders and voice recordings - and when you get back home, you use the supplies you’ve collected while running to build and grow your base.

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